EKEventEditViewController Add and Cancel buttons not responding

I am trying to add a calendar event using `EKEventEditViewController`. I have setup a `EKEventEditViewController` properly with an `EKEventStore`, `EKEvent`, and its `editViewDelegate` as the presenting view controller. The `EKEventEditViewController` presents itself correctly, but when I press either 'add' or 'cancel', `didCompleteWithAction` does not called in `EKEventEditViewDelegate`. But, I do get this error (no crash though):

[EKCalendarItemLocationInlineEditItem isSubitemAtIndexSaveable:] - Location Inline Edit Item didn't have a text label on its non conference location cell; will return NO

You can see here that `EKCalendarItemLocationInlineEditItem` is in the `EventKitUI` framework.

It seems like this has something to do with location but I can't seem to figure it out. Has anyone ever encountered this error, or have any tips on how to further debug? Thanks! I am running iOS 11 and Xcode 9.0.1.

Me too. Any solutions anyone? Thanks

Me too: Location Inline Edit Item didn't have a text label on its non conference location cell; will return NO

In addition I'm experiencing a crash sometimes when editing this field. I think it is related, but don't get any valuable logging from it except this error.

I am having the same issue. No idea how to address this.

"Location Inline Edit Item didn't have a text label on its non conference location cell; will return NO"

Xcode: 9.4 beta (9Q1004a)
iOS: 11.4 beta

for me: vc.eventStore = viewModel.eventStore

I was forgetting to set the eventStore on the EKEventEditViewController

EKEventEditViewController Add and Cancel buttons not responding