How to get .ipa onto device now that iTunes doesn't contain apps?

I used to drag my .ipa file into iTunes and sync to test my ad-hoc build. The 'new' iTunes ( doesn't contain apps any more. So how are you getting your .ipa onto your physical device?

Accepted Reply

I have updated an ipa onto my iPhone this morning in iTunes 12.7 on Mac.

To get the ipa loaded I dragged and dropped the ipa file onto the 'On My Device' panel in the left hand column of iTunes. The status bar indicated that it was syncing the information, and the app loaded correctly.

Hope this helps.


I am also facing same problem adding .app file on iTunes. I am using iTunes 12.7 on macOS Sierra 10.12

Same problem here, cannot install an .ipa on a Windows machine. I had to downgrade to iTunes 12.6 to get this done.

For me it's working with iTunes 12.7 and Mac OSX 10.13, i've a customer with iTunes 12.7 and Mac OSX 10.12 but it's unable to drag the Ipa, i think this is working with the latest Mac OSX 10.13. Now i tell the cutomer to upgrade to 10.13...

I found an alternative, there is a Mac App (Mac App Store) by Apple called Apple Configurator 2, with this one you can install provisioning profile and ipa (tested and it's working like a charm). I will investigate this on windows platform.

I'm also stuck with this when using a PC (seems it only works on MACs form other posts) and Apple Support know nothing about how to help. Going back to iTunes 12.7 says *it now supports iOS 11*, so I suspected 12.6 would not work with an IOS11 device but I just gave it a try and it worked fine! Exact set-up was iTunes on a Win8 netbook - successfuly moved an ipa file to an IOS 11.0.2 iPhone 6+

Adequate for me as a workaround until Apple fix their bug!

(See also thread 89245)

I installed Apple Configurator and was able to load an ipa onto my iPhone.

Woorks great thanks

Thanks, Worked for me

I found a solution for Windows users.

I have been searching about the same problem for a few days. iTunes make obligation to update itself to iTunes newer version for ios11 phones and iTunes 12.7 versions doesn't have apps section so i couldn't download anymore my ad hoc app ipa file and provision files to iPhone.

I just found out that there is an iTunes version Apple released which won’t be prompted to download new versions of iTunes and you can use this version to download your app. You can dowload it from this link:

Apple say if you have a newer version of iTunes you can just download this one over it but I couldn't do it like this. First, I removed iTunes from my computer, then I removed the iTunes folder from my musics folder (you probably don't need to do that) and I downloaded iTunes for 64 bit PC from the link I wrote above. And with this iTunes i can use Apps section again and it doesn't force me to update it. So it is like the good old times again 🙂

Installing from the iTunes is not working anymore even if you drag the ipa to the device area as it was before. 😢

XCode 9 now creates a bunch of different ipas when exporting for ad_hoc.

I am on High Sierra (10.13.2), XCode 9.2, and iTunes this version of iTunes is the problem I guess!

My biggest problem is that my client needs to install it but I can't force them to install this or that application, not to mention that they use windows... oh my!! Do any of you have any other sugestion?


iTunes 12.7 IPA Works 100%

Right click and copy the .ipa file and open iTunes then Find your iPhone under devices on left panel and Right click on your iPhone Name and paste it. Sync the files.

It works 100% for me

Check out my comment above yours. And you can connect to your client's pc with teamviewer etc. and download itunes, thats how i do it.

Thank you! You've saved me any further pain from this 'improvement' by Apple. Even apple Tech Support doesn't seem to know about this!

Thank you! You've saved me!

For those looking for this solution on how to copy .ipas with Big Sur or later, I figured it out - if you drag the .ipa from the Finder window to your phone in the "Locations" section in Finder, it doesn't do anything - but if you drag and drop it over the "General" section within your phone in the "Locations" section, it lets you do it and shows syncing in the progress bar.