eGPU been lagging since Beta 8

Has anyone noticed that since beta 8 the egpu has been lagging when opening apps? It isn't all of the time, but some of the graphics have been a bit messed up and some apps will lag when they are opened.

Is anyone else experiencing this? It seems to get better once things have been opened awhile.


There is definatly an issue for me with some programs in beta 9.
In Jetbrains DataGrip some of the menu popups are failing to render.
The menu text is there since it shows on a screen grab but fails to render in the pop-up panel
How do I log a bug report for this?

Please file bug report using our bug reporting system at:

Even though submit a bug report, you Apple just ignore it unless very important, so bug reporter does really matter?

eGPU been lagging since Beta 8