Test Flight with ODR

I am trying to submit my app to the app store so that I can distribute it internally via Test Flight. However I am receiving this error message.

I believe this is due to using ODR resouces and the bundle being created with a directory called OnDemandResources at the same level as the .app file. What can I do to fix this?

This is my .ipa file created by XCode when I unzip it.

Doesn't look like my images showed up.

The error is: "Error ITMS-90017: This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugs in a Plugins directory."

My unzipped .ipa file has a payload directory and inside of it is my .app file as well as a directory called onDemandResources that has my ODR files in it. The directory and .app file are at the same level. Hence the above error.

Were you able to resolve this? After several builds with ODR worked fine, I started getting this error today.

I got this error today too, but I'm getting ERROR ITMS-90125 Binary is Invalid. Something to do with Apple Linker?

Test Flight with ODR