Developer ID certificate subject field country set to "US" instead of "FI" that was in request

Created two requests and got certificates, Developer ID Application and Developer ID Installer and now the country in the subject field is "US" instead of "FI" that was in the requests. The previous certificates had country correctly set to "FI".

Is there any place I can affect to get the country right in the certificates as the process does no obey the request in this respect? Our country info is unchanged and correct in our Apple dev account.

Or, does Apple give a possibility to reissue (or something else) a certificate, changing the country?

Recently I had the same issue. The Apple developer support told me that it should not be a problem if the country is "US" instead of "DE" or similar. Anyway, certificates with correct country code can be created using requests generated by openssl (see stackoverflow threads), e. g.

openssl genrsa -out ios-dev.key 2048
openssl req -new -key ios-dev.key -out ios-dev.csr

After creating and installing the certificate (.cer) I could further import the private key via

security import ios-dev.key
Developer ID certificate subject field country set to "US" instead of "FI" that was in request