IAP Sandbox user: iTunes account creation not allowed

Currently unable to test IAP with sandbox users. I have tried using existing accounts and also setup new sandbox users from scratch but still get the following error when trying to make a purchase:

iTunes account creation not allowed

The Apple ID cannot be used with the itunes store at this time. Please try again later.

I can confirm that I am not signed into any accounts under Settings > iTunes. I have created new sandbox testers with unique email addresses and tried both a) verifying a new account email address/security questions and b) not verifying email addresses. Neither of which make a difference.

Looking at the System Status (https://developer.apple.com/system-status/) there was an issue last night (18/07/17) with the iTunes Sandbox but is apparently resolved - please can someone confirm this is now working for other users or is it actually broken for others still?


Same problem. Did you solve the problem?

Same issue here. Typical Sandbox IAP Subscription purchase flow:

1. Create new iTunes Connect Sandbox User Account

2. Log out of iTunes / App Store Account from Settings

3. Open app

4. IAP Subscription purchase

5. Log in as newly created sandbox user account

Here I would expect a confirmation window, but instead I get the error reported above

"iTunes account creation not allowed. This Apple ID cannot be used with the iTunes Store at this time. Please try again later."

I've tried:

Restarting the device

Upgrading to latest iOS 11 version
Using older Sandbox User accounts

Redownloading app from App Store

Multiple devices (iOS 10/11)

Switching between multiple real / sandbox Apple ID / AppStore accounts

It's important you do a build with a Developer Profile - not a distribution profile. WIth a developer profile it will verify against sandbox. With a production profile against iTunes.

Edit: Once you've accidently tried a sandbox account in iTunes it becomes invalid. So you have to create a new one each time that happens.

Hi all, I'd like to get to he bottom of the lifecycle of AppleIDs & use as iTunesConnect Sandbox test users.

1. I have an appleID say abc@email.comCreated at appleid.apple.com and verified.

2. Then I log into iTunes on my device and all is good.

3. Then I add it to an iTunesConnect account as a TestFlight tester.

4. ??? Now is that AppleID disabled from use for iOS iTunes ???

The answer from what I see is yes. As when I try 4 on device or at appleid.apple.com it says to verify the account, which I click OK then enter the PIN code received but get a "this account cannot be used" message.

TestFlight creates a test user in the sandbox with the same user Id as the users id in production. TestFlight only uses the sandbox

Hello Guys, its crazy, but i solve my problem creating a sandbox user like this: rafael+mastercard and after add @gmail.com. I cannot put the complete email here kkkkk.

I hope this help

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IAP Sandbox user: iTunes account creation not allowed