couldn't communicate with a helper application

I installed the 1st beta of El Capitan, and now I cannot update anything via software update, including OS X itself. I just get the "couldn't communicate with a helper application" error. I even reinstalled the OS, and Im still getting it. Anyone have any ideas? I tried manually installing via command line using "

"softwareupdate --install --all"

but I get:

Jul 3 22:16:20 softwareupdate CLI[4500] <Error>: /usr/sbin/softwareupdate: Service connection invalidated!


It's peculiar that a reinstall didn't fix that.

First try correctly setting the catalog using the following command in Terminal (the whole thing, including the text that appears as a link):

sudo softwareupdate --set-catalog

Also, have you tried booting into Safe Mode, or booting normally but creating a new temporary admin account and updating from there?

Follow these steps to start up into safe mode.

  1. Start or restart your Mac.
  2. Immediately after you hear the startup sound, press and hold the Shift key.
  3. Release the Shift key when you see the Apple logo appear on the screen.

After the Apple logo appears, it might take longer than usual to reach the login screen or your desktop. This is because your Mac performs a directory check of your startup disk as part of safe mode.

If you're not sure if your Mac is started in safe mode, you can use System Information to check this. The Software section of the System Information lists the Boot Mode as "Safe" instead of "Normal" when you're started in safe mode.

Thanks for the reply Max108. I tried the command line option and it still returned the Service Connection invalidated! on the command line, after retrying the software --install --all.

I rebooted into safe mode as well. That didnt seem to change anything either.

Any other suggestions? Thanks for the time

Did you try adding a new admin account (Settings > Users&Groups), logging into it, and updating from there? That often fixes such issues and can be deleted after use.

I did just try that and it didnt work either. I know I can rebuild the OS and maybe do a time machine restore.. I am just not wanting to redo my massive iTunes library if I can avoid it. This is my main itunes server for apple tv, etc, and invariably, itunes tags things incorrectly when you redo the library. If you or anyone has any other suggestions, I would be appreciative..

Thanks for the replies.

Did you reinstall by booting into recovery (cmd+R at startup) or by redownloading the installer and starting again? Booting into recovery and reinstalling that way (unless you explicitly choose "erase and install") will preserve your iTunes library and other User data.

There is evidence to suggest that this issue could be caused by your SSL related certificates. You should try the following before reinstalling:

  1. Open Keychain (by clicking CMD+Space and then typing “Keychain”).
  2. Then click the “system roots” (all items).
  3. For each of the “VeriSign Class x Public Primary Certification Authority – Gxcertificate”, do the following:
  4. Double-click it, which brings up it's own window and expand the "Trust" menu.
  5. Here you need to choose to "Use System Default”, not "Always Trust".


I verified that the keychain access verisign certs were all set to Use System Default, and not Always Trust.

When I reinstalled, I did it from the installer, hoping it would bring over the latest beta.. But I have not tried from the recovery menu. I will try that tonight.

Thanks for the continuing help 🙂

Ok.. sorry it took me a few days to get back.. Had major server issues at work to deal with.

So, I reinstalled from the recovery partition, and it still came up the same way. I think Ill just bite the bullet and reinstall from scratch and try and do a reinstall and then restore from backup..

If you have any other suggestions, Ill wait a day before doing so. Thanks again for taking the time to help.

My only remaining suggestion is to try rebooting after deleting the following files in ~/Library/Preferences/ [in Finder press Shift+Cmd+G and copy-paste ~/Library/Preferences/]


Failing that, then yes, starting from scratch would be my next suggestion too.

:: This pertains to Mac users ::

I just had this happen to me and all of the recommendations weren't working. I tried so many things from checking updates, to restarting my computer, to checking my applications and making sure Xcode was up to date (it wasn't) and once that updated, the issue still wasn't fixed. I am running Monterey for my system and recently started backing up my files to iCloud. Last night was the first occurrence when I received the forsaken "couldn't find a helper application" error when trying to compress a file for class.


It took me forever and a half, but I took note that iCloud had my documents backed up and stored in the iCloud Drive folder. I went to my system preferences >> clicked on Apple ID >> clicked on my iCloud tab in the left menu. It lists all the things that can be backed up to iCloud. Click on "options" for the iCloud Drive. For me, at that moment in time, "desktop and document folders" was unchecked. I checked the box for it and clicked "done", then let my Mac process this change. I then tried compressing my files again and it worked. I'm so mad but completely relieved this issue was resolved. I hope this works for anyone else who is struggling.

Thanks this helped me solve the same problem.

Since I ended up here for the same error, but different situation... I got this error when opening files that were saved to OneDrive. For some reason the OneDrive app wasn't running. Once I ran the app the files started opening fine with no error. Hope this helps someone.

Thank you @jumbo_c -- you saved my life. I was dealing with this for days and now there's peace in my world again

Thank you @GABolz910 - worked for me

couldn't communicate with a helper application