Watch and iPhone Simulator diagnosticd hogging CPU and Memory


When running my watchOS app in the simulator, I regularly see two instances of diagnosticd from the simulator package hogging on the CPU and taking large amounts of memory causing my iMac to run the fans on full throttle.

I can remove the processes using a 'killall diagnosticd'. But they are launched again a second later.

Has anybody else seen this? What to do about it? Thanks for any hint!


Which version Xcode? What macOS? Which iMac are you using? How much ram does it have and what amount of free space on the HD/SSD?

We’re you able to gain any insight as to why diagnosticd was running so hot? I ask because I’m experiencing the same issue running Playgrounds in the current release of Xcode 9.3. The system diagnosticd is running 50-80% of CPU; user is running at well-over 100%.

Same issue here runing playgrounds on Xcode 9.3 on macOS 10.13.4.

2 diagnosticd processses

- one is over 100%

- other over 60%

–> combined hitting totals of 175% to 195%.

MacBook Pro 13-inch, Late 2011, 2.4GHz i5, 16 GB ram

It's cooking the laptop and nearly unusable.

Proccess by %CPU

120 diagnosticd

70 installd

68 diagnosticd

45 homed

40 Xcode

Same issue for me. 2 diagnosticd processes, 1 around 140%, one around 70%.

homed at 50%

XCode keeps crashing. I'm practicing in Playgrounds and each time I restart XCode, it takes a good minute or so 'Launching Simulator' then 'Running Playground' before it actually responds.

Late 2014 27 inch Retina iMac. 16GB RAM. 3.5GHz i5. XCode 9.3. 250GB HD free space. Mac OS 10.13.4

The long time it takes for Launching Simulator mirrors my experience as well. 😟 Sorta limits the utility of Playgrounds in Xcode.

+1. I have same problem in playground
air 13, mid 2012

+1 here too.

MBP 2016, MacOS 10.13.4, XCode 9.3

Same problem here when opening a Playground in XCode 9.3: diagnosticd process is using more than 150% CPU and overheating my mac. Everything goes back to normal if I close the playground and XCode.

MBP 15'' 2016, macOS 10.13.4

Same here

MacBook Pro 13" Early 2011 i7 2.7Ghz 8Gb ddr1333 RAM 128Gb SSD

When starting Playground, homed process starts and launches 2 diagnosticd processes (root & user) each cause over cpu 100% load & fan go crazy. Please fix, practicing in Playground is nearly impossible because of this issue!

Kill 'homed' processe first.

I am having the same symptoms, although I haven't noticed the relationship with playgrounds (perhaps I have had a playground open then closed it and the processes remain).

MBP 15" mid 2015 i7 2.5GHz 16GB RAM 250GB SSD of which 10GB free.

Killing the `homed` process does seem to have solved it on this occasion but surely I shouldn't have to do this.

Had the same issue. CPU usage of diagnosticd was 150% and homed 60% which made everything unresponsive.

Killing homed made diagnosticd go away as well as Hinewdot said, while killing diagnosticd only didn't make the problem go away as it popped up back.

Xcode 9.3, macOS High Sieera 10.13.14

iMac 21.5" Late 2013, i5 2.9GHz. 8 GB RAM

I can confirm the same issue as @cmittendorf.

My setup is: Xcode 9.3 (9E145) with macOS 10.13.4 on MacBook Pro A1708.

I know this is an old question but I was running into the same problem where the diagnosticd and the ReportCrash processes started to consume high percentages of CPU and the fans would start spinning. After trying many things I found that the only thing that worked was to go to the simulator "Hardware" menu and select "Erase All Content and Settings...". Then quit the simulator and start it again. After that, the problem goes away. Hope this helps anybody searching for a fix for this issue which is still happening in XCode 11.2.1 running on Mojave 10.14.6.

This worked for me as well. On Xocde 11.2.1 and Catalina 10.15.3. dianosticd and ReportCrash had been using up huge amounts of CPU and the only way to stop them was shutting down the simulator. They would then start again next time launching the simulator. Looks like erasing the simulator did the trick.

Watch and iPhone Simulator diagnosticd hogging CPU and Memory