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Hi! I'm currently trying to implement lock screen widgets for iOS 16 and my app requires the new func recommendations() -> [IntentRecommendation<Self.Intent>] function of the IntentTimelineProvider being called, because the widget is configureable. I followed in my implementation the Emoji Rangers example. However, I've debugged my app as well as the Emoji Rangers example project on device, but this function is never being called. What should trigger this? What is required for the function to being called?
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Hi! My app is showing a rare crashes that I am not able to reproduce. The stack trace starts with lines like the following: 0 MyApp 0x00000001028edf38 function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Dead> of MyApp.CollectionViewDataSource.collectionView(_: __C.UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt: Foundation.IndexPath) -> () (<compiler-generated>:0) 1 MyApp 0x00000001028ed258 @objc MyApp.CollectionViewDataSource.collectionView(_: __C.UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt: Foundation.IndexPath) -> () (<compiler-generated>:0) 2 UIKitCore 0x00000001a4fd806c -[UICollectionView _selectItemAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition:notifyDelegate:deselectPrevious:performCustomSelectionAction:] + 1020 3 UIKitCore 0x00000001a536effc -[UICollectionView touchesEnded:withEvent:] + 612 … What does Arg[0] = Dead actually mean and what could I do to avoid this crash?
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Hi! I‘ve used my old iPad Pro as my iOS 15 beta test device. With one of the latest beta releases the device showed the behavior that it never completed the „Verifying update“ step. With the official release of iOS 15 I used a desktop connection to restore the device to the official iOS 15 release. However, the 15.0.2 release of today is again stuck in the „Verifying update“ step. What could be the problem here? I thought restoring the device will reset the device to factory settings? Other iOS devices on my network update without my issues. It‘s just this beta test device that‘s making problems. Christian
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Hi!When trying to watch the log from my Apple Watch in, I get a warning icon next to the device icon and no log entries appear in the log pane.In my macOS log I can see the following error message from (thread 0x70000e748000): Could not start session with PROXIED device d5a81d6c286369a418d83c454fe1fef8b8258402: kAMDTimeOutErrorOnce in a while shows an error allert with the title "The user has not responded to the pairing request on '***' Respond to the Trust prompt on the device.".But on the watch no pairing request shows up …Any idea on how to get access to my watchOS logs?RegardsChristian
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