"Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description" not working in iOS 11 Beta

Adding "Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description" in the info.plist seems to have no effect as the gallery opens without asking for permission. Has this permission been removed in iOS 11?

I'm having the same issue. My app isn't asking the user's permission as it was previously. Apple has made adding "NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" you your plist a new requirement (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44527321/photo-capture-permission-problems-in-ios-11/44527525#44527525). But even after I added this new key, it is still not asking the user permission to access the photo library, even after deleting and reinstalling the app. I'm also crashing when I select a photo from the library.

Hi, do you know if you need to update to the latest xcode to add the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription to plist successfully?

Technically, you can add the key manually in earlier versions of Xcode. However, the key only works if you use iOS SDK 11 (Xcode 9).

I'm also having this issue. You'd think something like this would get fixed within a couple of days/weeks. Apparently after nearly 2.5+ months it's still not fixed...

I'm having same issue. Firstly I tried to pick a photo before adding permission key and app didn't crash and allowed to me. Then I added "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" key and string to Info.plist. But app doesn't ask for permission, allows to pick a photo witout permission. There is a bug and it's still not fixed. (ios : 11.2 Xcode 9)

I've been following the 'App Development with Swift' book and on chapter 4.8 it mentions adding this option to the Info.plist file. When I hit 'Don't Allow' I still get access to the Photo Library. Deleting the app or removing the string from the Info.plist doesn't reset the permission. I still have access. Very concerning....

Are you using UIImagePickerController? In iOS 11, the picker controller is running "remotely" on a separate process and your app doesn't have the ability to get user's photos until them explicit pick one. So in this case you app can "access" Photo Library without permission.

"Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description" not working in iOS 11 Beta