Hello ! I am using this iCloud key value pair mechanism to save small app configuration between iOS and tvOS. I would say it is working. But when I go back and forth between debug and release (TestFlight) modes, it is like both apps are not connected anymore. I spend a lot of time restarting all devices, rebuilding, activating / deactivating iCloud capabilities in the Xcode project. It is like the app is mixing debug and release data.
Is there an easy way to check what is happening exactly ? I know there's nothing on CloudKit console, so ....
Thank you
You can probably start with capturing and analyzing a sysdiagnose, as described here.
If your app isn't in production yet, you might consider clear all the keys you ever used (by setting the values to nil
), and see if that changes anything. NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore allows you to store a maximum of 1024 keys, and per-key value size is limited to 1 MB. Clearing the keys may help if your data is over the quota.
You can also consider switching to a new store ID by setting a new value for the com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier
entitlement, which you can find in the .entitlements
file in your project. This should allow you to continue your development.
Ziqiao Chen
Worldwide Developer Relations.