I am developing an application that uses NetworkExtension (Local PUSH function) And VoIP(APNs) PUSH. Nowadays, I found a problem on this app doesn't handle incoming call of Local PUSH when receiving a Local PUSH after receiving an APNs PUSH.
My confimation result of my app and server log is below.
11:00 AM:
my server(PBX) requests a VoIP(APNs) PUSH notification to the APNs. But my app does not receive the VoIP(APNs) PUSH. At this time, my app is running on LAN (Wi-Fi without internet connection), as a result, NetworkExtension was running. so I think this is normal behaviour.
14:55:11 PM:
There is an incoming call from the my server(PBX) via local net, and NetworkExtension calls iOS API(API name is reportIncomingCall). However, iOS does not call the delegate didReceiveIncomingCallWithUserInfo for the reportIncomingCall.
14:55:11 PM:
At almost the same time, iOS calls the delegate cdidReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload of VoIP PUSH. (instead of call the delegate didReceiveIncomingCallWithUserInfo for the reportIncomingCall?) And the content of this VoIP(APNs) PUSH was the incoming call at "11:00 AM".
In other words, the VoIP(APNs) PUSH at 11:00 AM is stuck inside iOS, and at 14:55:11 PM, from NetworkExtension reports it.
I feel there is a problem on iOS doesn't handle incoming call of Local PUSH when receiving a Local PUSH after receiving an VoIP(APNs) PUSH. Would you tell me Apple's opioion about this?
If this is known problem, Please tell me about it.