Builds stuck in "processing ..." phase forever

We have 2 apps whose builds appear to be stuck in the "In Processing..." phase after uploading to TestFlight. The problem has existed since mid-December. We have tried with more than a dozen builds since then, but they all get stuck.

Both apps are use the same code-base. The main difference being that one is optimized as a one-time purchase for the school manager

DTS (Developer Technical Support) hasn't been able to help so far and has 1-week email turnaround times.

Ok, looks like I'm not the only one. However, I've only been seeing the problem today.

Both of my apps are stuck in processing mode even though I have emails that say they are processed. But on Testflight, they are still marked as processing. Wasn't having this issue a few days ago.

Similar issue here. Builds uploaded since maybe 8am PST are not showing up in TestFlight.

Builds stuck in "processing ..." phase forever