App Store search reports my app name as a spelling error

This is a bizarre and quite annoying problem...

The Apple App Store search facility on iPhones reports my app name


when entered as a spelling error and so does not naturally display the app!

Instead it displays two other apps MadHappy and Lonely Ghost (why??) and to view my app the user must see, read and click on some small text at the top of the screen that says "Search from mathappy instead?"

Can Apple resolve this? Can I resolve this? Can this issue be resolved? Thanks everyone, Andy

I searched on AppStore and found a MathAppy, it finds MathAppy 1.

Is it your app ?

I've tested with Autocorrection (Settings > Keyboard) Off and On. Same result.

Thanks claude31, fantastic response,

Mine too finds mathappy 1 But mathappy alone it reports as a a spelling mistake unless the tiny blue text is clicked. Mathappy is a unique name, the search should find that.:) Thanks Andy

App Store search reports my app name as a spelling error