Several players in our app cannot purchase after upgrading iOS system. They make purchases every day before upgrading. After upgrading, they cannot purchase.
User purchase behaviors:
- cannot request product:
- no callback received;
- didFailWithError received: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application .
- request product success:
- purchase stuck and after 2 mins failed with error message "There was a problem with your purchase"
- These players try to make purchases every day. Most of time they cannot get store products with no request callback.
- These player can make purchases in other apps.
players' info:
- ipad7: 18.1.1 -> 18.2
- ipad7: 18.1.1 -> 18.2.1
- iPhone13 pro max: 17.6.1 -> 18.1.1
app info:
- xcode: 15.2
- iap: store kit
- related code: iosIap.m (see the attachment)
Does any one know how to resolve this issue? Thanks.