Getting rejected with: Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam

Hello everyone,

I'm stuck here, i have developed an app, and i keep getting from Apple "Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam" - We continue to notice that your app shares a similar binary, metadata, and/or concept as apps submitted to the App Store by other developers, with only minor differences.

As i was looking around this seems to be so much an issue now for many people and i don't understand why.

My app which is approved in Android already it have an unique design built my own, and the most important the content (in this case futures crypto signals) are created by my own strategy, so it can be no where else found.

I literally have no idea what to do next, i don't want to do major changes because i don't believe the app looks similar to any other app and for the reason that its already in Google Play Store i don't want to do major UI design.

We would greatly appreciate any valuable advice from fellow developers in the community to help us navigate this challenge and successfully pass the review

I got the same rejection over and over again without knowing what is going on.

Then I went on a call with an Apple representative and the person said the reason were the screenshots. So if they say "metadata" it could be title, screenshots, keywords or subtitle.

I then created completely new screenshots, sent my app for review again, but still received the same rejection with the same reason.

I also have no clue what is actually going on...and I am not trying to publish a new app, I want to update an 2-3 year old existing app.

Getting rejected with: Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam