Your Apple ID is already associated with the account holder of a membership (Enroll today)

I can't access my approved and verified Apple Developer account on the web and my certificates were revoked.

When I sign in with the correct email and password, I am redirected to a page asking me to enroll in the Developer Program, even though I successfully enrolled and was approved months ago.

Everything with Apple Developer account had been working fine for months, and the iOS App Store app confirms that my Apple Developer Program membership subscription is still active.

And if I click "Enroll Today," it says my Apple ID is already associated with an "account holder of a membership." Additionally, my macOS app certificates have been revoked without any email or explanation, and I cannot create new ones due to this issue.

Also I can access my developer account via iOS and macOS apps normally, but I can't access it on the web to create new certificates.

This I urgent and time sensitive for me, can someone please help?

I have the same problem. I am contacting the support and waiting for their reply.

Your Apple ID is already associated with the account holder of a membership (Enroll today)