Workout not showing for import on Strava

I have a workout app which I am testing on device currently via TestFlight.

The generated workout (tennis and indoor) shows in the fitness app with correct HR and duration.

However, when I go to my Strava app, it does not show in the list of workouts for importing. (note, activities tracked using the regular tennis mode on the Apple Watch show fine)

I have also concurrently reached out to Strava support to see if there's anything they can offer support for.

However, does anybody here have any knowledge/experience of the requirement? Or whether this is a limitation of an application deployed via TestFlight?

I have a terrible feeling I am chasing ghosts, and it may be a TestFlight limitation for exporting workouts?


Can you find the workouts you generated in the as well? If you can, and the data looks good there, it will be most likely that your app created the workouts correctly, and you might follow up with Strava folks to see if they applied any criteria to filter out the workouts they are not "interested" in.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

Workout not showing for import on Strava