iOS App Ratings and Reviews Not Updating

Has anyone noticed issues with the AppStore not updating the number of ratings on an app that you've published on the iOS AppStore?

I have a few apps now published to the app store and have been keeping an eye on the most recent app that i've made available called 'Stock Score' and have been trying to monitor ratings and reviews and have noticed that it's been a while since any new ratings have come through.

So I know that in app store connect under the 'Ratings and Reviews' section that you can filter based on the app version as well as Country so i've selected All Versions and All countries in which it shows that 6 people have rated the app. Within the app itself after a certain amount of use a pop up will appear prompting the user to review the app and i've got metrics and analytics set up so I can monitor how often a day etc that it pops up and can see that the prompt is shown a few times a day at least. Within the first month I could see that the ratings were slowly incrementing and it had got to 6 but now it's been another 2/3 months and there hasn't been any traction since.

I thought i'd try an experiment and had got one of my friends to download and use the app and then give it a rating and also write a review. I've waited now at least a month since that review was written and still the ratings is stuck on 6 and I can't see the review.

I thought this might be strange so have checked my other apps and again notice that in the last few months even they are stuck on the same number of ratings as well.

Is anyone else having any issues or have any suggestions for things that can be done?

I've been in constant back and fourth regarding this issue with Apple support and they seem to ignore what i'm actually saying and just keep providing templated responses, very frustrating having to deal with that kind of support!

Hello there, we've been having the same problem with our app since late November. I track the app also through, that had shown an increase in reviews and the actual review that had been left, then a couple of days later it would disappear and the count would reduce. Now it seems no new reviews are getting posted. We have made huge improvements to our app recently, swapping the platform out and greatly improving our stability but it seems we cannot improve our app score as new reviews aren't getting posted and it's hurting our acquisition efforts. There has to be some way to discuss this with Apple or investigate why this might be happening. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

iOS App Ratings and Reviews Not Updating