Scanning nearby Wi-Fi AP with IoT device

I have an app that connects to an IoT Wi-Fi AP, which can be used to scan nearby Wi-Fi APs and select one of them.

The main question is whether scanning nearby Wi-Fi APs using my IoT device is limited or restricted and I won't be able to publish my App to the App Store.

Answered by Scott in 817605022

While preparing for your one-on-one App Review consultation, just note that lots of IoT companion apps do exactly what you describe, ranging from (just looking around my own house) security cameras to dog trackers.

Also note that Wi-Fi scanning directly within apps is “limited or restricted” by simply having no supported API for doing so. There is no such restriction on receiving blobs of data from a connected device and displaying them to the user.

Thank you for your post. We recommend that you sign up for a session with App Review during the weekly Meet with Apple Experts event. Sign in with your Developer ID and select "Request a one-on-one App Review consultation". A member of the App Review team will help you with your questions regarding the review process and the App Review Guidelines.

Accepted Answer

While preparing for your one-on-one App Review consultation, just note that lots of IoT companion apps do exactly what you describe, ranging from (just looking around my own house) security cameras to dog trackers.

Also note that Wi-Fi scanning directly within apps is “limited or restricted” by simply having no supported API for doing so. There is no such restriction on receiving blobs of data from a connected device and displaying them to the user.

Scanning nearby Wi-Fi AP with IoT device