Assistance Needed: Updating to SHA-2 Root - USERTrust RSA Certification Authority Certificate


I recently came across the notification regarding the update to the SHA-2 Root - USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate (Apple Developer Notification). It states that the new certificates will need to be updated to align with the USERTrust RSA Certification Authority.

Could anyone clarify the steps involved in updating an Apple certificate to this new root certificate on a server? Specifically:

  1. Is there a guide available to replace existing certificates with the USERTrust RSA Certification Authority?
  2. Are there any specific configurations needed in Apple's App Store, Push Notifications, or Web services to accommodate this change?
  3. How should I ensure compatibility for iOS and macOS applications using server-side APIs?

If someone has gone through this process or has any detailed documentation or insights, I would greatly appreciate the guidance.

notification reference ->

Thanks in advance for the help!

I too have attempted to make sense of this notification, the original notice I got says if you have questions, contact Apple Support, but all they did was send me back the original notice. Here's what I asked them: I received an email indicating we need to include the certificate SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate in our Application's "Trust Store". Is this "Trust Store" on our iOS application, or is it on the server which generates the push notifications? If the latter, is it sufficient to concatenate the existing certificate with the new? We're using Java/Tomcat server to generate the push. It's unclear where and how this certificate is to be implemented, and time is somewhat short.

Guys if you are using Firebase Cloud Messaging FCM to communicate with APNs, then you don't need to change anyhting.

Assistance Needed: Updating to SHA-2 Root - USERTrust RSA Certification Authority Certificate