SwiftData Migration: Keeps failing at the end of willMigrate

I've been trying to setup a successful migration, but it keeps failing with this error:

NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate are not reusable and should have a lifecycle tied to a given instance of NSPersistentStore.

I can't find any information about this online. I added breakpoints throughout the code in willMigrate, and it originally failed on this line:

try? context.save()

I removed that, and it still failed. After I reload the app, it doesn't run the migration again and the app loads successfully. I figured since it crashed, it would keep trying, but I guess not. Here's how my migration is setup.

enum MigrationV1ToV2: SchemaMigrationPlan {
    static var schemas: [any VersionedSchema.Type] {
        [SchemaV1.self, SchemaV2.self]
    static var stages: [MigrationStage] {
    static let stage = MigrationStage.custom(
        fromVersion: SchemaV1.self,
        toVersion: SchemaV2.self,
        willMigrate: { context in
           // Get cycles
            let cycles = try? context.fetch(FetchDescriptor<SchemaV1.Cycle>())
            if let cycles {
                for cycle in cycles {
                    // Create new recurring objects based on what's in the cycle
                    for income in cycle.income {
                        let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name: income.name, frequency: income.frequency, kind: .income)
                        recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: income.amount))
                    for expense in cycle.expenses {
                        let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name: expense.name, frequency: expense.frequency, kind: .expense)
                        recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: expense.amount))
                    for savings in cycle.savings {
                        let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name: savings.name, frequency: savings.frequency, kind: .savings)
                        recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: savings.amount))
                    for investment in cycle.investments {
                        let recurring = SchemaV2.Recurring(name: investment.name, frequency: investment.frequency, kind: .investment)
                        recurring.addAmount(.init(date: cycle.startDate, amount: investment.amount))
                //try? context.save()
            } else {
                print("The cycles were not able to be fetched.")
        didMigrate: { context in
            // Get new recurring objects
            let newRecurring = try? context.fetch(FetchDescriptor<SchemaV2.Recurring>())
            if let newRecurring {
                for recurring in newRecurring {
                    // Get all recurring with the same name and kind
                    let sameName = newRecurring.filter({ $0.name == recurring.name && $0.kind == recurring.kind })
                    // Add amount history to recurring object, and then remove matching
                    for match in sameName {
                        recurring.amountHistory.append(contentsOf: match.amountHistory)
                //try? context.save()
            } else {
                print("The new recurring objects could not be fetched.")

Here's is my modelContainer in the app file. There is a fatal error occurring here that's crashing the app.

var sharedModelContainer: ModelContainer = {
        let schema = Schema(versionedSchema: SchemaV2.self)
        let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false)

        do {
            return try ModelContainer(
                for: schema,
                migrationPlan: MigrationV1ToV2.self,
                configurations: [modelConfiguration]
        } catch {
            fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)")

Does anyone have any suggestions for this?

EDIT: I found this error in the console that may be relevant.

BUG IN CLIENT OF CLOUDKIT: Registering a handler for a CKScheduler activity identifier that has already been registered (com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.activity.export.8F7A1261-4324-40B4-B041-886DF36FBF0A).

CloudKit setup failed because it couldn't register a handler for the export activity. There is another instance of this persistent store actively syncing with CloudKit in this process.

And here is the fatal error

Fatal error: Could not create ModelContainer: SwiftDataError(_error: SwiftData.SwiftDataError._Error.loadIssueModelContainer, _explanation: nil)

I am having the same problem. I am able to do only the lightweight migration without the error.

Same issue for me. I am adding a new property to my only V2 model and lightweight migration works just fine, but I need a custom one to replace the default value of my new property with something custom based on old V1 model properties.

Did you find any solution?

SwiftData Migration: Keeps failing at the end of willMigrate