Issue with CreateML annotations.json file

Hi, I am trying to create a multi label image classifier model using CreateML (the one included in Xcode 16.1). However, my annoations.json file won't get accepted by the app. I get the following error: annotations.json file contains field "Index 0" that is not of type String

Here is a JSON example which results in said error:

[ { "image": "image1.jpg", "annotations": [ { "label": "car-license-plate", "coordinates": { "x": 160, "y": 108, "width": 190, "height": 200 } } ] }, { "image": "image2.jpg", "annotations": [ { "label": "car-license-plate", "coordinates": { "x": 250, "y": 150, "width": 100, "height": 98 } } ] } ]

Nevermind, I figured I need an object detection model for my use case.

Issue with CreateML annotations.json file