Rejected Review - Mac App Sandbox entitlements required for Bluetooth

I submitted a Mac Catalyst app for TestFlight and before it can be tested by external testers it requires an App Review. The iOS app passed review, but the Mac Catalyst app failed review.

The rejection reason given was that App Sandbox needed the entitlement: "" to be YES / true (not false).

I do have "" set to YES / true.

The Developer docs for entitlement "" say "Use this key to allow your sandboxed app to connect to a server process running on another machine, or on the same machine." for entitlement "", then go on to discuss TCP and UDP.

While technically a Bluetooth app connecting to another Bluetooth device puts the app in "client mode" and the device in "server mode", I think this network entitlement was intended for TCP / UDP, not Bluetooth.

The entitlement "" says "A Boolean value indicating whether your app may interact with Bluetooth devices." - this seems to cover all the necessary needs for Bluetooth "your app may interact with Bluetooth devices".....

Would someone at Apple familiar with the docs please clarify what entitlements are required for an app that only uses Bluetooth?

If the "" is required, then I believe the docs for that property should also specify Bluetooth.

Thank you for your post. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

Rejected Review - Mac App Sandbox entitlements required for Bluetooth