Maybe I didn't find the relevant instructions.
In my code, I only want to get the first 7 elements.
At present, my code is as follows:
@Query(sort:\, order: .reverse) private var records:[Record]
But I wonder if once the number of records is large, will it affect the efficiency?
In View, it is enough for me to count the first 7 elements in records. What should I do?
If you create the query property using a FetchDescriptor
then you can set a limit for the number of rows being fetched. The drawback of this solution is that it's not a one liner so you need to do it in the init
@Query private var records:[Record]
init() {
var fetchDescriptor = FetchDescriptor<Record>(sortBy: [SortDescriptor(\, order: .reverse)])
fetchDescriptor.fetchLimit = 7
_categories = Query(fetchDescriptor)
If you for some reason don't want to do it in the init you could declare the fetch descriptor as a static variable and then pass it to the @Query