I notice price conversion errors when I set the price of my subscription at €4.99.
Base Price France (€4.99)
€4.99 -> $3.99 U.S.A
Base Price U.S.A ($3.99)
$3.99 -> €3.99 France
The prices are inconsistent and incorrect: €4.99 is $5.38 (1 EUR = 1.07860 USD today) -> the lower price tier of $5.38 should be $4.99 not $3.99.
$0.99 -> €0.99 France
$1.99 -> €1.99 France
$2.99 -> €2.99 France
$3.99 -> €3.99 France
$4.99 -> €5.99 France -> ????
€0.99 -> $0.99 U.S.A
€1.99 -> $1.99 U.S.A
€2.99 -> $2.99 U.S.A
€3.99 -> $3.99 U.S.A
€4.99 -> $3.99 U.S.A -> ????
Why do €3.99 and €4.99 give the same price in USD -> $3.99, whereas this is not the case with the previous price tiers?
I need to put my app into production, and I don’t know what to do (should I manually change the prices???).