In my Vision OS app I am using plane detection and I want to create planes that have physics I want to create an effect that my reality kit entities rest on real world detected planes.
I was curious to see that the code below that I found in the Samples is the most efficient way of doing this.
func processPlaneDetectionUpdates() async {
for await anchorUpdate in planeTracking.anchorUpdates {
let anchor = anchorUpdate.anchor
if anchorUpdate.event == .removed {
if let entity = planeEntities.removeValue(forKey: {
planeAnchors[] = anchor
let entity = Entity() = "Plane \("
entity.setTransformMatrix(anchor.originFromAnchorTransform, relativeTo: nil)
// Generate a mesh for the plane (for occlusion).
var meshResource: MeshResource? = nil
do {
let contents = MeshResource.Contents(planeGeometry: anchor.geometry)
meshResource = try MeshResource.generate(from: contents)
} catch {
print("Failed to create a mesh resource for a plane anchor: \(error).")
var material = UnlitMaterial(color: .red)
material.blending = .transparent(opacity: .init(floatLiteral: 0))
if let meshResource {
// Make this plane occlude virtual objects behind it.
entity.components.set(ModelComponent(mesh: meshResource, materials: [material]))
// Generate a collision shape for the plane (for object placement and physics).
var shape: ShapeResource? = nil
do {
let vertices = anchor.geometry.meshVertices.asSIMD3(ofType: Float.self)
shape = try await ShapeResource.generateStaticMesh(positions: vertices,
faceIndices: anchor.geometry.meshFaces.asUInt16Array())
} catch {
print("Failed to create a static mesh for a plane anchor: \(error).")
if let shape {
entity.components.set(CollisionComponent(shapes: [shape], isStatic: true))
let physics = PhysicsBodyComponent(mode: .static)
let existingEntity = planeEntities[]
planeEntities[] = entity
extension MeshResource.Contents {
init(planeGeometry: PlaneAnchor.Geometry) {
self.instances = [MeshResource.Instance(id: "main", model: "model")]
var part = MeshResource.Part(id: "part", materialIndex: 0)
part.positions = MeshBuffers.Positions(planeGeometry.meshVertices.asSIMD3(ofType: Float.self))
part.triangleIndices = MeshBuffer(planeGeometry.meshFaces.asUInt32Array())
self.models = [MeshResource.Model(id: "model", parts: [part])]
extension GeometrySource {
func asArray<T>(ofType: T.Type) -> [T] {
assert(MemoryLayout<T>.stride == stride, "Invalid stride \(MemoryLayout<T>.stride); expected \(stride)")
return (0..<count).map {
buffer.contents().advanced(by: offset + stride * Int($0)).assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self).pointee
func asSIMD3<T>(ofType: T.Type) -> [SIMD3<T>] {
asArray(ofType: (T, T, T).self).map { .init($0.0, $0.1, $0.2) }
subscript(_ index: Int32) -> (Float, Float, Float) {
precondition(format == .float3, "This subscript operator can only be used on GeometrySource instances with format .float3")
return buffer.contents().advanced(by: offset + (stride * Int(index))).assumingMemoryBound(to: (Float, Float, Float).self).pointee
extension GeometryElement {
subscript(_ index: Int) -> [Int32] {
precondition(bytesPerIndex == MemoryLayout<Int32>.size,
This subscript operator can only be used on GeometryElement instances with bytesPerIndex == \(MemoryLayout<Int32>.size).
This GeometryElement has bytesPerIndex == \(bytesPerIndex)
var data = [Int32]()
for indexOffset in 0 ..< primitive.indexCount {
.advanced(by: (Int(index) * primitive.indexCount + indexOffset) * MemoryLayout<Int32>.size)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int32.self).pointee)
return data
func asInt32Array() -> [Int32] {
var data = [Int32]()
let totalNumberOfInt32 = count * primitive.indexCount
for indexOffset in 0 ..< totalNumberOfInt32 {
data.append(buffer.contents().advanced(by: indexOffset * MemoryLayout<Int32>.size).assumingMemoryBound(to: Int32.self).pointee)
return data
func asUInt16Array() -> [UInt16] {
asInt32Array().map { UInt16($0) }
public func asUInt32Array() -> [UInt32] {
asInt32Array().map { UInt32($0) }
I was also curious to know if I can do this without ARKit using SpatialTrackingSession. My understanding is that using SpatialTrackingSession in RealityKit I can only get the transforms of the AnchorEntities but it won't have geometry information to create the collision shapes.