How the iOS 18 Control Widget displays an AppIntentError to the user.

My app is an outdoor exercise tracking app that allows you to start exercising from the Control widget。

I want to prompt the user with an AppIntentError.PermissionRequired.location error when the user doesn't authorize Core Location permissions.

When I throw error in the Intent, tap the Control widget doesn't do anything and doesn't give the user any indication of what's happening

Use your main app to set up and manage such permission requests via some onboarding flow.

You cannot present errors with specialized handling to users in your Control Widget's process. The App should be the driver with your Widgets only able to perform quick tasks. Should an issue arise, you should always continue your work in the in app from there, which may include showing onboarding or errors to your users.


WWDR - DTS - Software Engineer

How the iOS 18 Control Widget displays an AppIntentError to the user.