App review screenshot has wrong dimensions

Do you have any idea what the problem with my iPhone 15 Plus simulator screenshot?

What screenshot should it be ? This size is for 6.7"

  • 6.9" -> 1320 x 2868
  • 6.7" -> 1290 x 2796
  • 6.5" -> 1284 × 2778

Did you use the screenshot for the 6.7" screen size in AppstoreConnect (and not for 6.5") ?

It seems that now (very recently) AppstoreConnect requests 6.9" screen size (iPhone 16 ProMax), but it may be optional.

If you cannot generate the screenshots for 6.9 and if it is optional, provide only 6.5"

Otherwise, try to resize in Preview App to the right dimension.

I had the exact same issue and tried every possible resolution they suggested in their guidelines.

For iPad, 1024 * 768 finally worked.

App review screenshot has wrong dimensions