App Store Connect invalidating binary during App Review - built with Xcode Cloud / Xcode 16 RC

I archived and uploaded a build with Xcode 16 RC earlier today since it wasn't available in Xcode Cloud at that moment. The upload was successful. Since then, Xcode Cloud was updated with Xcode 16 RC and I can build and deploy to TestFlight and App Store Connect that way too.

Now, upon submitting my app to App Review, the binary is being rejected as invalid due to unsupported version of Xcode. Rejections Sept 9th at 11:28 PM Central and Sept 10th 12:37 AM.

Here is the error message I received via email:

ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit:

Upon visiting the site, you can see a developer news article stating that App Review is now accepting builds created from Xcode 16 RC. I assume this is just the system going through upgrades and the whole system isn't updated yet.

Is anyone else having issues submitting Xcode 16 RC builds to App Review? Or the inverse, has anyone had success yet?

Submission ID cf4e80cf-1629-4267-8604-8c3c161a0051

Same content just for added visibility: FB15088221

Answered by Developer Program Support in 803140022

Hello, thank you for these reports.

We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues submitting your apps, please contact us.

Same issue when building with Xcode Cloud. I think this happens every year - Apple publishes the News article but App Store Connect gets updated only the following day.

Same here :(

Same here! do we all just wait after 24 hours?

Same problem, archived with Xcode Cloud, pushed on my git through the latest Xcode 15 on macOS Sequoia RC.

Should I just push it again ? It can't be a bug on my side, I published a version two weeks ago with the same process.

I won't push it with Xcode 16 RC just yet because although it compiles fine on my Mac, Xcode Cloud gives me random bugs.

I tried again around 8:30 AM Central today, on Sept 10th. The issue still persists.

As a workaround I was able to upload a binary that I archived locally with Xcode 16 RC installed on my machine running Sonoma and so far I haven't gotten an automated App Review rejection on my submission so far. They were pretty instantaneous when submitting binaries from Xcode Cloud so I think I'm in the clear. So what is different between Xcode 16 RC in Xcode Cloud and Xcode 16 RC on a local device?

Here are all of the DT keys from the app's Info.plist from a local build:


And the same from Xcode Cloud:


I can't find anything else different in the two resulting archives.

The allure to Xcode Cloud is that you don't have to immediately install the latest beta, RC, or public release of Xcode because Apple will. Small price to pay if you want to be a day-zero adopter of iOS 18 I guess. It would be nice to have some more detail on the automated rejection why this is occurring for Xcode Cloud.

I'm having the same issue building with Xcode 16 RC on my local. Already tried a few times but still get the automatic rejection message from App Store Connect

I think the issue here is Sequoia. Builds from Xcode 16 RC running on Sonoma (even on Xcode cloud) submit fine but builds from Sequoia RC do not.

hopefully apple willl fix it 🤞

This issue persists for me, too. Xcode cloud using Xcode 16 RC and Sequoia RC. 🤞They fix it soon.

Accepted Answer

Hello, thank you for these reports.

We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues submitting your apps, please contact us.

App Store Connect invalidating binary during App Review - built with Xcode Cloud / Xcode 16 RC