Installing El Capitan on a USB Flash Drive

I have tried this several times just to make sure I was doing it correctly, and I always come up with the same bad result. This is a 2013 Mac Book Air:

  1. Installed the El Capitan installer on my Yosemite system from the App Store
  2. Formatted a brand new 128gb flash drive as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with a GUID Partition Table
  3. Installed the Installer on the flash drive: sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ 10.11\ Developer\ --volume /Volumes/ElCapInstaller --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ 10.11\ Developer\ --nointeraction
  4. Ejected the flash drive
  5. Reinserted the flash drive and booted from it using the Option key

The installation onto the flash drive proceeded and worked up to the very last, when it said "Less that one second remaining". It stayed there and never finished, never rebooted. I waited what I thought ws a long time.

I was able to **** off the installation log. I do see some errors that I don't know what to do with. They seem to be communications related; my wifi/internet connection is valid otherwise I would not be posting this quesiton 😉

Here is the log:

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: @(#)PROGRAM:Install PROJECT:Install-1000

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: @(#)PROGRAM:IA PROJECT:InstallAssistant-532

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Hardware: MacBookAir6,2 @ 1.70 GHz (x 4), 8192 MB RAM

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Running OS Build: Mac OS X 10.11 (15A178w)

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: PWD=/

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: XPC_FLAGS=0x0

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: XPC_SERVICE_NAME=0

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: SHLVL=1

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: __OSINSTALL_ENVIRONMENT=1

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: CI_DEFAULT_OPENCL_USAGE=0

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: OS_INSTALL=1

Jun 29 11:31:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Env: _=/System/Library/CoreServices/Language Chooser

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Can not connect to /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.socket: No such file or directory

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Using distribution archive from /Volumes/Image Volume/Install OS X 10.11 Developer

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:31:31.222 InstallAssistant[455:15804] Failed to connect (keyReceivingView) outlet from (IASetupWindowController) to (PUKDiskPickerHorizontalView): missing setter or instance variable

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:31:31.222 InstallAssistant[455:15804] Failed to connect (loadingDistProgress) outlet from (IASetupWindowController) to (NSProgressIndicator): missing setter or instance variable

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:31:31.222 InstallAssistant[455:15804] Failed to connect (loadingDistView) outlet from (IASetupWindowController) to (NSView): missing setter or instance variable

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:31:31.222 InstallAssistant[455:15804] Failed to connect (subtitle) outlet from (IASetupWindowController) to (NSTextField): missing setter or instance variable

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:31:31.222 InstallAssistant[455:15804] Failed to connect (keyReceivingView) outlet from (IAContentView) to (PUKDiskPickerHorizontalView): missing setter or instance variable

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Package Authoring Warning: The installer script defines but doesn't use (and can't install) package id version

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Configuring products from SharedSupport folder

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Install is double-dmg. Not adding chunklist to download list.

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Using product <OSInstallDVDProduct> based on media at /Volumes/Image Volume/Install OS X 10.11 Developer at distance 5

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Using product <OSInstallESDProduct> based on distribution at /Volumes/Image Volume/Install OS X 10.11 Developer at distance 5

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Checking Software Update catalog URL

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:31:31.718 InstallAssistant[455:15821] ***storageTaskManagerExistsWithIdentifier:withIdentifier failed: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (The connection to service named was invalidated.) UserInfo=0x7ff73a4f3100 {NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}; {

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: NSDebugDescription = "The connection to service named was invalidated.";

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: }

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:31:31.720 InstallAssistant[455:15816] ***cachedResponseDictionaryForRequest:key:handler failed: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (The connection to service named was invalidated.) UserInfo=0x7ff73a43ddc0 {NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}; {

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: NSDebugDescription = "The connection to service named was invalidated.";

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: }

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: No available package ref for compatibility update. Ignoring.

Jun 29 11:31:31 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: No available package ref for compatibility update. Ignoring.

Jun 29 11:31:33 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Using product <OSSoftwareUpdateCatalogProduct> from product keys (null) at distance 25

Jun 29 11:31:34 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSExceptions [0x7ff73a4184a0] unloaded

Jun 29 11:31:56 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Created IATool object:3a52d600

Jun 29 11:32:02 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Preventing machine sleep.

Jun 29 11:32:02 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Using product IA_PKSecureNetEnabledProduct <file:///Volumes/Image%20Volume/OS%20X%20Install%20Data/> at distance 5

Jun 29 11:32:02 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Using mutable product path: /Volumes/Image Volume/OS X Install Data

Jun 29 11:32:03 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Retrieving 1 packages (0.000 GB)

Jun 29 11:32:03 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Retrieved package (

Jun 29 11:32:09 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Verifying InstallMacOSX.pkg/InstallESD.dmg

Jun 29 11:44:08 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:44 InstallAssistant[455] (FSEvents.framework) FSEventStreamStart: ERROR: FSEvents_connect() => Unknown service name (1102)

Jun 29 11:44:08 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:44:10 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:44:10 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:44:10.836 InstallAssistant[455:18153] Communications error: <OS_xpc_error: <error: 0x10ad4dc80> { count = 1, contents =

Jun 29 11:44:10 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: "XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x10ad4df68> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }

Jun 29 11:44:10 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: }>

Jun 29 11:44:10 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (docs) while running as uid 0

Jun 29 11:44:10 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:44:12 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: ___Internal_LSSharedFileListUpgrade_block_invoke_2 SFL Favorites initialized.

Jun 29 11:45:12 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:45:12 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:45:12.660 InstallAssistant[455:18302] Metadata.framework [Error]: couldn't get the client port

Jun 29 11:45:12 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:45:52 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:45 InstallAssistant[455] (FSEvents.framework) FSEventStreamStart: ERROR: FSEvents_connect() => Unknown service name (1102)

Jun 29 11:45:52 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:45:52 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:46:24 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:46:24.359 InstallAssistant[455:15804] 11:46:24.359 NOTE: <SystemSoundClient> 739: Couldn't load file at url

Jun 29 11:46:24 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:46:24.359 InstallAssistant[455:18417] 11:46:24.359 ERROR: >SystemSoundClient> 49: Couldn't connect to system sound server

Jun 29 11:46:24 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:46:24.359 InstallAssistant[455:15804] 11:46:24.359 WARNING: >SystemSoundClient> 979: Failure to setup sound, err = -50

Jun 29 11:46:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:46:28 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:46:28.181 InstallAssistant[455:18376] Metadata.framework [Error]: couldn't get the client port

Jun 29 11:46:28 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:46:29 MacBook-Air Unknown[434]: 2015-06-29 11:46 InstallAssistant[455] (FSEvents.framework) FSEventStreamStart: ERROR: FSEvents_connect() => Unknown service name (1102)

Jun 29 11:46:29 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Jun 29 11:46:29 MacBook-Air InstallAssistant[455]: LSSharedFileListCreate Using legacy implementation for list:

Hi PBYorke.

Installing 10.11 on an external drive or high-speed flash drive is fully supported, and can be done simply and reliably using Disk Utility and the 10.11 DP1 Installer:

  1. Erase the whole drive as Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
  2. Info for the newly erased drive should show "Bootable: Yes"
  3. Rename the drive in Finder to what you want.
  4. Run the Installer app and click on Show All Disks...
  5. Your 128GB Flash Drive should be one of the options.

When you take away all the extra stuff from my original question, that's exactly what I did, and it worked all the way up to the very end, then it just didn't finish the installation and reboot.

Well, we can't be sure that the installer GUI merely runs the command you pasted. It may have failsafes and/or take extra measures that aren't present there.

Don't get me wrong, I often prefer to use the command line over GUI, but Apple are always tweaking things and, in this case, I'd feel more confident in an install made using the GUI of the installer than one made by passing commands to it via Terminal.

Installing El Capitan on a USB Flash Drive