I've been waiting for more than 35 days to approve my app made by Wix

I've been waiting for more than 35 days to approve my app made by Wix and I still haven't received a response. The Wix workers say it's not their business and I don't know how to contact Apple or what I can do.

Hi , what is the status, wait for review or In review?

Thank you for your post. We've begun investigating this issue but we've been unable to locate your app submission to provide further assistance. Can you provide the name and App ID associated with the app? These can be found in App Store Connect in the App Information tab.

Thank you for your post, we have investigated your request and recommend that you contact the Developer Support team for assistance.

You can use the Apple Developer Contact Us page to request assistance with submissions and review.

I've been waiting for more than 35 days to approve my app made by Wix