Provisioning Profile Failed Qualification Doesn't Match Entitlements

I’m seeing an error message when trying to upload/validate my Archive. “Provisioning Profile failed qualification. ”
Profile Doesn’t match the entitlement’s file’s value for

My app uses Local Push Connectivity (NEAppPushProvider) and requires the App Push Provider entitlement. My profiles are set to include the Local Push Connectivity entitlement instead of Default. I don’t (cant’t?) automatically manage signing because of this. My provisioning profiles are set to use the Local Push Connectivity entitlement instead of default. 

My entitlement files for each target have 
<key></key> <array> <string>app-push-provider</string> </array>

This is my first upload since upgrading Xcode to 15. And My first upload since I updated my profiles. This was working for years, but I think either I rebuilt my profile wrong or something has changed on Apple’s end ( Xcode, reqs etc). I’ve double/triple checked everything and rebuilt my profiles over. I’m stuck.

Hi @WestComDev,

Could you please confirm the following:

  • Your app's entitlement file does contain the Network Extension entitlement ( and the Local Push Connectivity value in its array of strings and app-push-provider).
  • Your provisioning profiles managed on the Apple Developer Portal also contain the entitlement or capability.
    • If your app is configured in Xcode for automatic provisioning, you'll want to delete your invalid profiles from the Developer Portal.
    • If your app is configured in Xcode for manual provisioning, you'll want to ensure the profile used contains the entitlement or capability.

In addition, please review the following documentation:

If the above does not resolve your issue, please let me know.​


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Hi Paris, Yes, as previously stated: My entitlement files for each target have 
<key></key> <array> <string>app-push-provider</string> </array>

My profiles are set to include the Local Push Connectivity entitlement instead of Default.

Even validating older Archives which have already previously successfully uploaded & published to AppStoreConnect are throwing the same error.

Hi @WestComDev,

You failed to mention if you had performed manual or automatic provisioning for these profiles. Nonetheless, please submit a report via Feedback Assistant include the archived build, the build logs, and an Xcode sysdiagnose after building the app and receive the error during validation.

Once submitted, please respond here with the Feedback ID.


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Hi @WestComDev,

In your Feedback submission (FB14869466) as well as in this forums post, you wrote the following:

I’m seeing an error message when trying to upload/validate my Archive. “Provisioning Profile failed qualification. ”
Profile Doesn’t match the entitlement’s file’s value for

Again, please ensure the entitlement is properly spelled in your entitlements file. The value provided above ( is invalid and should be This may also be a value that ReactNative is providing, but I don't have much insight into how their systems work.

If you are still confident that your configuration is correct, we need you to update your report with more information. Could you attach some additional logging to help us triage this?

1. Launch Xcode like so in Terminal:

xcode-select -p ~/Applications/Xcode DVTServicesLogLevel 3 -DVTAppStoreConnectLogLevel 3

2. Reproduce the issue.

3. Attach the Xcode distribution logs bundle. After reproducing the issue, find a line in Xcode's Terminal output that refers to an xcdistributionlogs bundle and attach the bundle located at that path to your existing report.

4. Copy Xcode's Terminal output. Please also copy Xcode's Terminal output into a text file and attach it to your report as well.

Lastly, you still have said if you are performing manual or automatic code signing. Knowing the answer to this would drastically reduce the effort needed to resolve this issue (as the manual signing process may use some legacy formats that are no longer supported in Xcode 15). Please include this response in your bug report as well.


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Multiple times you've requested to confirm whether I'm using manual/automatic signing. in my original post I stated:

" My profiles are set to include the Local Push Connectivity entitlement instead of Default. I don’t (cant’t?) automatically manage signing because of this."

  • In other words, I'm using MANUAL SIGNING, because the Local Push Connectivity entitlement, which seemed to require manual signing historically. I'm also curious whether this is in fact [still] the case.

Thank you for your assistance.

I solved it. I'll post a summary tomorrow.

Provisioning Profile Failed Qualification Doesn't Match Entitlements