Recording Issues in Unity Game with Reality Composer Pro - Black Screen

I’m encountering an issue with recording in my Unity game through Reality Composer Pro. When I attempt to record video or take screenshots, it results in a black screen once my game launches. Screenshots and videos outside my game record fine, but within the game, the recordings are just black.

Additionally, when using my headset, the display is distorted and only my right eye shows anything, while the left eye remains black.

Here are some specifics:

  • My game is developed in Unity.
  • I’m using all the betas: Xcode 16 beta, the new macOS beta, and VisionOS 2 beta.

In the attached screenshot, you can see an Apple UI overlay with a black screen behind it. However, when I’m in the headset, I actually see my game along with that UI overlay, so it seems like the game itself isn’t getting recorded.

Also, I noticed on the Apple webpage that they recommend using the Developer Capture feature in Reality Composer Pro for high-quality screenshots and app previews. However, I find that using Control Center for recording works pretty well despite the lower quality and foveated resolution. If I can’t get Reality Composer Pro to capture in 4K, is it still acceptable to use screenshots and record videos from the Control Center?

Has anyone encountered similar issues or have any insights on what might be causing this? And regarding the secondary question, I’d appreciate any guidance from Apple on the acceptability of using Control Center recordings as a fallback. Here's a video preview I made with Control Center recordings. Is this quality acceptable?

Recording Issues in Unity Game with Reality Composer Pro - Black Screen