app review

Good morning,

I habe submit my app to review from yesterday, and still "waiting review". It take too long to doing it? Its the first tieme en apple, i always worked with android, and the reviews are very quick in reaponse. Thank you.

Sometimes it takes longer to get an app reviewed. Here is an official information:

On average, 50% of apps are reviewed within 24 hours and 90% are reviewed within 48 hours. Some apps, however, may require additional time to review, and there may be times during the year where we experience higher-than-average submission volume and therefore have delayed review times.

For more information, see:

PS: my app is also waiting for a review for almost 24h now.. let's see how long it's gonna take this time

Thank you for your post. We believe we have resolved this issue and the review is completed. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

app review