FCP plugin crashes when launching its app

I'm developing a workflow extension for Final Cut Pro, but I'm encountering a setback. For some reason, the extension crashes if I launch the app that contains the plugin.

I already added some logic to prevent the app from launching if one is already running, but that didn't fix the issue because the plugin crashes while the app is still loading.

It seems to me that the plugin process is being killed while the app is loading, causing the plugin to crash.

Do you know why this is happening and how to solve it?

It might be easier to diagnose this if you could supply a crash report. You can find crash reports by running Applications/Utilities/Console.app. In the lefthand sidebar there's an entry named "Crash Reports". Select that and you should see all currently-available crash reports. If there are no crash reports, we may be able to find other logs that contain more information about what's going wrong.

Here is the requested crash report.

I was testing other workflow extensions and was able to replicate this issue with them. I even tried Frame.io and could replicate the issue there as well.

To replicate the issue with Frame.io, follow these steps:

  1. Download Frame.io from the app store
  2. Open the Extension from Final Cut Pro (FCP).
  3. Without logging in, open the Frame.io app from your applications.
  4. The workflow extension should crash.

Thanks for the crash log and the additional info. I'm going to try and reproduce locally and see if I can narrow down what the issue is.

Here's what I'm able to tell: the crash log you supplied shows an over release of some Objective-C object that was in an autorelease pool in the PageProof process. I can't tell from the crash log what the object was, so can't say much more than that.

Testing with Frame.io as you've suggested doesn't result in any crash logs on my machine. When I launch it while the plug-in is open in FCP, the app immediately quits but doesn't appear to crash. There is a console log that says that it has the wrong UUID for FCP to connect to it, which makes sense as it's already connected to the instance it launched.

You might try running your plug-in with Zombies turned on to see if that gives you any insight into what object is being over-released. You can also try attaching to it in Instruments (using the Zombies instrument) to see if it can give you additional information.

I followed your suggestion, and there were no zombies to be found. In the meantime, I found a temporary solution for the issue.

The problem was that I wanted to export the FCP project using the main app as the action, but FCP was executing it, which caused the crash.

To resolve this, I added an auxiliary application to the project to handle the export instead. This change has prevented the plugin from crashing. However, it will still crash if the user opens the app from Applications while it is already open in FCP.

This behavior seems to be present in other plugins as well, even in simpler ones.

FCP plugin crashes when launching its app