I have an app that is stuck in Ready For Distribution
. App Store Connect is not showing the Distribute Button
, and there is no way to pull the build down to re submit. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
App Stuck in `Ready For Distribution`
my submitted binaries are stuck in Processing.
https://developer.apple.com/system-status/ does not indicate that there is a problem, but I suspect that there is one.
(yesterday, there was another problem on App Store connect : sales could not be downloaded)
I am also stuck in Ready for Distribution. I tried to unstick it by submitting a new one behind it, but it didn’t make a difference.
I have an app that is stuck in Ready For Distribution
"Ready for Distribution" is apple-speak for "Live On The App Store, Customers Can Buy It Right Now". That's the state shown for all my released apps right now. There isn't a "Distribute" button.
(Have I misunderstood your question?)
I had the same problem with you. Did you fix it yet? How to resolve it? @apple review team @mazefest