App Stuck in `Ready For Distribution`

I have an app that is stuck in Ready For Distribution. App Store Connect is not showing the Distribute Button, and there is no way to pull the build down to re submit. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

my submitted binaries are stuck in Processing. does not indicate that there is a problem, but I suspect that there is one.

(yesterday, there was another problem on App Store connect : sales could not be downloaded)

I am also stuck in Ready for Distribution. I tried to unstick it by submitting a new one behind it, but it didn’t make a difference.

I have an app that is stuck in Ready For Distribution

"Ready for Distribution" is apple-speak for "Live On The App Store, Customers Can Buy It Right Now". That's the state shown for all my released apps right now. There isn't a "Distribute" button.

(Have I misunderstood your question?)

I had the same problem with you. Did you fix it yet? How to resolve it? @apple review team @mazefest

App Stuck in `Ready For Distribution`