No data in sales and trends past 4am

I am seeing blank data after 4am when viewing the last 24 hours graph. I remember a while ago it showed me data past 4am but now the graph is suddenly showing no data after 4am.

Are there any issues with the data shown on sales and trends at the moment?

Answered by Claude31 in 795532022

It seems to be corrected. Today, Jul 16, we get trends up to July 16. And no more warning message.

Yes, me too.

Be patient, it will catch up eventually.

This is still occuring for me since the 9th. Any update?

I have not seen any sales data since July 9th.

No data after July 9th for me as well.

Accepted Answer

It seems to be corrected. Today, Jul 16, we get trends up to July 16. And no more warning message.

No data in sales and trends past 4am