Xcode 16 Beta 2. iOS 18 Simulator Biometrics Issue


I am trying to achieve biometric authentication in iOS 18 Simulator but getting the below error. The same things works in iOS 17.2 simulator in the same Xcode version that is Xcode 16 Beta 2.

  - some : Error Domain=com.apple.LocalAuthentication Code=-1000 "UI service connection invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=UI service connection invalidated., NSLocalizedDescription=Authentication failure.}

Here is the crash report screen shot as well when getting error in biometrics.

The problem is still present in Xcode 16 RC. I filed the radar FB15120391. Please do too, if you can.

same thing has been happening to me on the simulator, but device is fine

Xcode 16 Beta 2. iOS 18 Simulator Biometrics Issue