Unable to distribute new app with altool

I am trying to send a app build to appstoreconnect through VisualStudio, this used to work some months ago but now I get this error every time.

The provided entity includes an attribute with a value that has already been used

What is strange is that everything worked fine a couple of months ago. I have tried incrementing the version numbers but to no avail. I have also been through all the agreements and accepted them all.

Please file a Feedback and attach the output from altool adding --verbose to your command line.

Thank you for the answer.

I had been trying to distribute the ipa straight through Visual Studio as I had been doing before, this was causing an error and I did not get any meaningful logs or error messages from Visual Studio. When I ran it straight from the Mac with the following commands:

xcrun altool --validate-app --file "$PATH_TO_IPA" --type ios --username "$APPLE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME" --password "$APP_SPECIFIC_PASSW" --verbose

xcrun altool --upload-app --file "$PATH_TO_IPA" --type ios --username "$APPLE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME" --password "$APP_SPECIFIC_PASSW" --verbose

I had more success, both with error details and execution. The .ipa did upload correctly from these commands run directly on the mac, after distibuting Ad-Hoc in visual studio and copying the .ipa over.

Unable to distribute new app with altool