XcodeCloud fails while Resolving Dependencies

After trying to build with macOS 15 and XCode 16 (beta and beta2), XcodeCloud started to crash at the Resolve package dependencies step.

Everything works perfect on my local system running same OS same XC.

Details:  [<IDESwiftPackageCore.IDESwiftPackageDependencyPlaceholderFileReference, 0x7fb23a2082a0: name:swift path:(No Path)>]

Function: unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:)

Thread:   <_NSMainThread: 0x600002094200>{number = 1, name = main}



  0   -[DVTAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:fileName:lineNumber:assertionSignature:messageFormat:arguments:] (in DVTFoundation)

  1   _DVTAssertionHandler (in DVTFoundation)

  2   _DVTAssertFromSwift (in DVTFoundation)

  3   _DVTAssert(_:file:line:function:varargs:) (in DVTFoundation)

  4   DVTAssert(_:_:file:line:function:) (in DVTFoundation)

  5   closure #1 in closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

  6   closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

  7   closure #1 in OS_dispatch_queue.dvt_sync<A>(execute:) (in DVTFoundation)

  8   thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation)

  9   thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation)

 10   -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation)

 11   DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation)

 12   IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

 13   closure #1 in closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.registerDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

 14   closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.registerDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

 15   closure #1 in OS_dispatch_queue.dvt_sync<A>(execute:) (in DVTFoundation)

 16   thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation)

 17   thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation)

 18   -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation)

 19   DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation)

 20   IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.registerDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

 21   closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.dependencyPackagesDidUpdate(packages:graphHasErrors:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

 22   closure #1 in OS_dispatch_queue.dvt_sync<A>(execute:) (in DVTFoundation)

 23   thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation)

 24   thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation)

 25   __58-[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:]_block_invoke (in DVTFoundation)

 26   -[DVTModelGraphTransactionScope performTransaction:] (in DVTFoundation)

 27   -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation)

 28   DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation)

 29   IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.dependencyPackagesDidUpdate(packages:graphHasErrors:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore)

 30   SPMWorkspace.packageGraphActionFinished(_:) (in SwiftPM)

 31   closure #3 in SPMWorkspace.processPackageGraphActionsInBackgroundIfNeeded() (in SwiftPM)

 32   swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) (in libswift_Concurrency.dylib)

 33   swift_job_runImpl(swift::Job*, swift::SerialExecutorRef) (in libswift_Concurrency.dylib)

 34   _dispatch_main_queue_drain (in libdispatch.dylib)

 35   _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF (in libdispatch.dylib)


 37   __CFRunLoopRun (in CoreFoundation)

 38   CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation)

 39   +[DVTKVOConditionValidator waitForCondition:sourceObject:keyPathAffectingConditionBlock:timeout:] (in DVTFoundation)

 40   -[Xcode3CommandLineBuildTool waitForRemoteSourcePackagesToFinishLoading] (in Xcode3Core)

 41   -[Xcode3CommandLineBuildTool _resolveInputOptionsWithTimingSection:] (in Xcode3Core)

 42   -[Xcode3CommandLineBuildTool run] (in Xcode3Core)

 43   XcodeBuildMain (in libxcodebuildLoader.dylib)

 44   -[XcodebuildPreIDEHandler loadXcode3ProjectSupportAndRunXcode3CommandLineBuildToolWithArguments:] (in xcodebuild)

 45   -[XcodebuildPreIDEHandler runWithArguments:] (in xcodebuild)

 46   main (in xcodebuild)

 47   start (in dyld)

bash: line 1:  4274 Abort trap: 6           xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -project /Volumes/workspace/repository/***.xcodeproj -scheme '***' -derivedDataPath /Volumes/workspace/DerivedData -hideShellScriptEnvironment

Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 134
Answered by binaryalchemy in 799305022

This seems to be fixed in Xcode 16 beta 5 🎉

Can you please submit a feedback for this issue and include the log bundle build artifact? Feel free to paste the FB number here so we can follow-up and ensure this gets fixed.

Yes. log bundle build artifact uploaded.


My Xcode Cloud builds are also failing with this error:


I can reproduce it locally using xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies

Same issue here. FB14248955

Not 100% sure, but I think in our case it is related to https://github.com/auth0/JWTDecode.swift and/or https://github.com/ashleymills/Reachability.swift dependencies.

We can also reproduce it both by running xcodebuild and by simply trying to open the project in Xcode 16 beta.

Same for me. Xcode 16 beta 3 crashed on resolving dependencies.

Still crashes on Xcode 16 beta 4.

After some more investigation I think I found a workaround.

In our case he problem is definitely related to SPM packages that contain .swift in the URL. I tried url encoding the dot (.) to %2e and it seems to fix the problem.

https://github.com/auth0/JWTDecode.swift.git becomes https://github.com/auth0/JWTDecode%2eswift.git

Now the packages are resolved successfully both on Xcode Cloud and locally using Xcode 16 beta.

Could someone please verify this?

We are also seeing this error.

Unfortunately the workaround doesn't quite work for us because we are using GRDBQuery, which itself has a dependency on GRDB.swift which is outside of our direct control.

Hopefully it can be fixed properly in Xcode soon!

Accepted Answer

This seems to be fixed in Xcode 16 beta 5 🎉

XcodeCloud fails while Resolving Dependencies