Is Issuer ID, Key ID, and .p8 File Necessary for Migrating iOS App from Shopney to Apptile on Shopify?

hello i have a shopify website....i have an app called shopney in shopify itself which is used to create the mobile application for my website....i have my app live on both android and i am changing from shopney to apptile(it is also an app in shopify app store and it is use to create mobile application) the apptile team is asking for these keys issuer ID, key ID, and .p8 file for migrating from shopney to apptile platform on ios developer account(ios app store) i want to ask you is it really necessary for them to have this files?...can they make do with out it?

Is Issuer ID, Key ID, and .p8 File Necessary for Migrating iOS App from Shopney to Apptile on Shopify?