iOS 18 Beta Screen Time Crash

The screen time issue is still going on in Beta 2. I have submitted my report. There is no way of accessing the screen time settings. It just crashes. If you try to go to the locked out app, the only option that actually works is the OK button. You can’t dismiss or extend for 15 minutes. who else is having this same issue?

Yes. Screen time steel crashing in iOS 18 Beta 2. I opened FB14046578

Screen time still crashing. Cant use my bank accounts and acess my icloud! Beta 2 didn't solve it!

Same for me

Same here, screen time is still crashing the same way from beta 1. No passwords work, cannot disable it in settings as it crashes as soon as a I click it

I found a post in this page that suggested I do factory reset of my phone. I backed it up to the cloud, performed the factory reset, and then restored it from the latest backup and that fixed the problem. It’s a real pain but it works. Good luck.

Same for me

Same here ios18 beta2 does fix screen time crash. Can’t do anything

Yes, i had same issue and reported the issue to apple

I was able to resolve this issue by backing up iPhone to iCloud completely then erasing iPhone completely. Then restore from backup then I was able to access screen time. And remove all limits.

IOS 18 public beta same issue

Can’t access the screen time area where it tells you how long you have been on things and cant extend time on blocked apps

It’s public beta and this is still happening. By the way, if you want apple to really see this and fix it, use the feedback app or click here, then submit a report about this bug. I did it but lots haven‘t if we want this to be fixed, we should report via Feedback Assistant.

Same issue! It’s like the screen time application doesn’t even exis! And I have an actual condition that make my iPad that I just bought less then a week ago for $2000, not safe for me to use as it is unaccommodating to me!

Same for me in the Beta 3 wasn’t fixed 👎

It was fixed in the IOS 18 beta 4 🙏

iOS 18 Beta Screen Time Crash