Enrollment to Developer Program - No Contact Concerns

Seems a common issue that after paying for the developer program, Apple makes no contact for an unnecessarily long period of time. It's been a day and I'm already concerned with the lack of support despite my emails. I've got deadlines I need to adhere to.

If anyone, or any support account could reassure that this will be completed in a timely manner, I would greatly appreciate it.

Noticed this was an issue last year, given the minimal attention it seems to have received, this cannot be the standard.

Thanks in advance

Apple say enrollment can take unto 24 hours, If you haven’t received a membership confirmation within 24 hours of your purchase, contact them. Make sure to include your Enrollment ID with your support request.

Personally I have had no issue with Apple, it can be hit and miss sometimes when submitting an app or contacting them it can be very quick sometimes upto 48 hours in my case.

source: apple.com

Enrollment to Developer Program - No Contact Concerns