How do I use the FamilyControls

The following is request authorization for familyControls: AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization { result in // The request can either result in success or failure switch result { case .success(): break case .failure(let error): print("Error for Family Controls: (error.localizedDescription)") } }

But the output is"Error for Family Controls: Family Controls is only available for child and teen iCloud accounts."

I have added the "Family Controls" capability, How do I use "Family Controls"

I don't understand why output "Error for Family Controls: Family Controls is only available for child and teen iCloud accounts."

For the same iPhone and iCloud acount, I have download a App "自律石头" From AppStore for China area, Why the App can use "Family Controls"

Is the iCloud account you are trying to control for a child or an adult?

How do I use the FamilyControls