Siri only uses first App Shortcut defined

Using App Shortcuts with app intents, Siri only responds to the first shortcut defined in the app shortcut below.

struct MementoShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {
    static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
            intent: SaveLinkIntent(),
            phrases: ["Add a link to \(.applicationName)", "Add \(\.$url) to \(.applicationName)", "Make a new link in \(.applicationName)", "Create a new link in \(.applicationName) from \(\.$url)"],
            shortTitle: "Add Link",
            systemImageName: ""
            intent: LinkViewedIntent(),
            phrases: [
                "Mark a link I saved in \(.applicationName) as viewed",
                "Mark \(\.$link) as viewed in \(.applicationName)",
                "Set link in \(.applicationName) to viewed",
                "Change status of \(\.$link) to viewed in \(.applicationName)",
            shortTitle: "Mark Link as Viewed",
            systemImageName: "book"

I have tried switching the order and she always uses the one that comes first. Both show up in the shortcuts app as an app shortcut, but only one shortcut is recognized by Siri even if I say the other one's phrase.

Answered by knotbin in 792298022

Found the solution for this, I just needed to add @AppShortcutsBuilder above the static var appShortcuts

Accepted Answer

Found the solution for this, I just needed to add @AppShortcutsBuilder above the static var appShortcuts

Siri only uses first App Shortcut defined