Acceptable location purpose strings

Does anyone have recent experience of what App Review consider acceptable for location purpose strings these days?

My map apps simply display a blue spot on the map showing your current location when you turn on the app's location button. That data doesn't leave the app; I'm not selling it to anyone, or doing anything nefarious. For years, I've had concise location purpose strings such as "Your location will be shown on the map".

Now, App Review seem to find that inadequate. They say: "One or more purpose strings in the app do not sufficiently explain the use of protected resources. Purpose strings must clearly and completely describe the app's use of data and, in most cases, provide an example of how the data will be used. Next steps: Update the ... location purpose string to explain how the app will use the requested information and provide an example of how the data will be used. "

I've just look at what Apple Maps uses as its purpose string, and it's just "Your location is used to show your position on the map, get directions, estimate travel times, and improve search results." I'm only doing the first of those things, so surely "Your location is used to show your position on the map" would get approved, right? Wrong!

I have similar issues with the photos purpose string.

Same question - right now it just seems like we're supposed to guess. I've already made changes in order to make the strings much more descriptive but still no luck.

Here's what I used for that app, which was approved:

When you tap the app's Location button, a marker will be displayed on the map at your current location. For example, if you're standing on the summit of Denali and you tap the Location button, the app will show a marker on the map at the summit of Denali (subject to the accuracy of the data received from the device). The app will continue to receive location updates from the device and move the marker until you turn off the Location button. When you tap the app's Record button, the app will display a line on the map indicating where you have been, and will store this data in a file. None of this data leaves the app, unless you choose to export the file containing the recording.

Acceptable location purpose strings