xCode - ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version

When I try to upload an app to the AppStore, I receive following feedback:

I had Xcode 16 with visionOS installed. Because of the feedback, I switched back to Xcode 15.3 with visionOs 1.0. I archived it again and tried to upload the app again. But I still receive the same feedback.

I also tried https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56518791/app-store-refuses-my-update-after-installing-xcode-11-beta-with-keeping-xcode-10/56623421#56623421, but it seems that there is no such property for visionOS in the info.plist

I do not have any further ideas...

Answered by Pascal2807 in 791317022

Was able to solve the problem. This problem was caused by macOS 15.0, which I already installed. It did not matter, which xCode version I used. So I organized a cloud access to a Mac (with macOS Sonoma and xCode 15.4) (https://www.macincloud.com), cloned the project from GitHub and archived and sent it to Apple Store connect again. Now, was able to send it to Apple to check it.

Accepted Answer

Was able to solve the problem. This problem was caused by macOS 15.0, which I already installed. It did not matter, which xCode version I used. So I organized a cloud access to a Mac (with macOS Sonoma and xCode 15.4) (https://www.macincloud.com), cloned the project from GitHub and archived and sent it to Apple Store connect again. Now, was able to send it to Apple to check it.

I had create a virtual machine with Sonoma, also create a provisioning profile, export developer profile from Xcode in the main machine , export the two certificates I saw on my system keychain access regarding to apple developer. On the virtual machine, Xcode 15 import the certificates exported from the keychain , add it to System ( not to login ) , in Xcode, import the developer profile, in the App, instead of Xcode managing the provisioning profile, select to import and select the provision profile you made at developer.apple.com ( be sure to select iOS , on the devices show all and select all Macs and phones.. and everything ;) Then create the Archive, right click + show in finder. copied the xarchive to my sequoia os machine, and upload from there

xCode - ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version