Invalid CFBundleIdentifier - forcing validation after app transfer

Hi, we have old app (2011), which for some reason ends with a period - like this "". Everything worked for us until we transferred the application from another account. We cannot publish any update now. We are getting below error:

\/Contents\/SharedFrameworks\/ContentDeliveryServices.framework\/Versions\/A\/Frameworks\/AppStoreService.framework","os-version":"14.4.1","product-errors":[{"message":"Asset validation failed","userInfo":{"NSUnderlyingError":"Error Domain=IrisAPI Code=-19241 \"Asset validation failed\" UserInfo={status=409, detail=This bundle is invalid. The bundle at path Payload\/ has an invalid CFBundleIdentifier 'cz.dzone.' CFBundleIdentifier must be present, must contain only alphanumerics, dots, hyphens and must not end with a dot. [see the Core Foundation Keys at https:\/\/\/library\/content\/documentation\/General\/Reference\/InfoPlistKeyReference\/Articles\/CoreFoundationKeys.html#\/\/apple_ref\/doc\/uid\/TP40009249-102070-TPXREF105], id=77c0ea35-7c94-4817-8ca2-bdd001d76576, code=STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90049, title=Asset validation failed, NSLocalizedFailureReason=This bundle is invalid. The bundle at path Payload\/ has an invalid CFBundleIdentifier 'cz.dzone.' CFBundleIdentifier must be present, must contain only alphanumerics, dots, hyphens and must not end with a dot. [see the Core Foundation Keys at

Please help how to solve this situation?

Best regards Jan

Invalid CFBundleIdentifier - forcing validation after app transfer