Does StoreKit filter product types for old app version?


I am new to StoreKit and IAP. I am developing the 1.0 version of my app, and I plan to offer non-consumable items in version 1.0, with plans to offer auto-renewable subscriptions in the future 2.0 version. According to the App Store's review requirements, when I add a new type of item in the app, I need to submit the app version for review as well.

What I want to know is, after I add auto-renewable subscription items in App Store Connect for use in version 2.0, will these new items be returned when my 1.0 version queries product information through the StoreKit interface? If they are returned, since version 1.0 does not support auto-renewable subscriptions, do I need to add compatibility code to ignore the unsupported items?

Ideally, according to the App Store's requirement to submit a new app version along with the type of products, StoreKit would help filter out product types that are not supported by older app versions, but I wonder if this is the case?

Does StoreKit filter product types for old app version?